In the heart of New York City lies a musical haven where veteran artists and aspiring musicians converge to hone their craft and build lasting connections. Join us as we delve into the vibrant community fostered by Funkadelic...
In the heart of New York City lies a musical haven where veteran artists and aspiring musicians converge to hone their craft and build lasting connections. Join us as we delve into the vibrant community fostered by Funkadeli…
"There are only three principles necessary for a lyric writer, all of them familiar truisms. They were not immediately apparent to me when I started writing, but have come into focus via Oscar Hammerstein’s tutoring, Strunk …
Join former 'The Voice' contestant, Savannah Brister, as she shares her journey on the hit reality show. From nerve-wracking auditions to behind-the-scenes style secrets, Savannah reveals it all. Learn why she chose John Leg…
After wrapping up my first show at the legendary Bitter End, a visibly excited man rushed up onto the stage where I and my guitarist still stood. All he wanted was to take a picture of me wearing his sunglasses, a tradition …
I'm guilty of it too... I've totally caught myself in a fantasy about how great it would be to sign with an indie label. In that fantasy, you're cared for, held in highest regard, and everyone at the label believes in your v…
Every musician (especially their parents) has heard the classic "starving artist" trope, but there's someone on a mission to fix that. Meet Ryan McCurdy, a multi-hyphenate who amidst being a stellar actor+, musician+ is also…